June 20, 2024: Get paid 💲

How to accelerate your earning potential in the tech industry

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Today, we interview Scott Blostein, a former tech professional who has moved into the coaching landscape to help others find their way to success in tech.

We chat with Scott about his transition into the coaching landscape and why he chose to offer insights to others.

Who is Scott?

Scott coaches Millennials who feel stuck in their earning potential transition into 6 figure tech sales roles.

What inspired you to do this?

In 2014, Scott was working in a company whose name no one knew, not making any money, and not feeling pride in his work. He didn’t feel like he could afford certain things he wanted, and knew he didn’t want to keep going down the same path.

Eventually, he decided he needed help and hired a coach to help him build a career plan that would make him both proud and set him up for financial success.

Despite having no sales experience, Scott’s plan showcased the skill set he currently had and made it attractive to one of the biggest tech companies in the world (Oracle). That started him down a path over the next decade working at the top tech companies in the world (Oracle, Salesforce, Shopify, Click-Up) where he found the opportunity to learn from the best, and substantially increase his earning potential and gain the lifestyle he was after.

After spending the last decade in tech, Scott has now designed a system that others can use to leverage to work for awesome companies and have an amazing career in tech.

What was the biggest hurdle?

Taking the first step.

Scott toyed with multiple ideas in the past and admittedly suffered from paralysis from analysis. Good today is better then perfect tomorrow, and sometimes you just need to go when you don't have all the answers.

We asked the Founder, what is the best advice you’d share with others?

“Don't get hung up on the perfect plan, branding, company name, incorporating, etc.

Go and test your idea in the market and see if people will pay you for what you can solve.”

Want to meet Scott?

Scott will be joining us virtually for our upcoming TechTO: Talent event on June 24, 2024. It’s an event that engages with the tech community across Canada on all things hiring.

Whether you’re looking for a job or just want to learn more about the perspective from tech hiring managers and others actively hiring, this is your chance to learn more.


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A few important 2024 tech industry stats

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The Riverdale Hub is hiring a Digital Marketing Coordinator - send your application to [email protected]

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